Just because you live remotely doesn't mean you can't join the most engaging health care student organization in the country!

Living in a frontier county and interested in a health care career? Fear not! Become a virtual SD HOSA member. Using this virtual platform, you will be able to engage as a member through the list of monthly modules below. The modules aim to build condence in your pursuits as you work through them. Modules can be viewing videos, interviews, virtual tours etc. We hope you enjoy the experience!

Module 6


Practice your competitions and do research on a health career you may be interested in.

Module 7


Practice your competitions and present them to a group of other people

Module 8


Attend SD HOSA State Leadership Conference and fill out post-conference surveys

Module 9


Make a quick 30 second video on what you thought about your HOSA experience. In the video thank those who really helped you on your journey this year.

"I'm frustrated."

"I'm confused."

"I fail to find answers."

"Worse yet, most times I don't even know what questions to ask."

We have the remedy for your frustrations and confusion...Become a virtual South Dakota HOSA-Future Health Professionals member to find the right answers and better yet, learn about what questions to ask!

HOSA-Future Health Professionals is the only nationwide student organization whose focus is 100% health care. As an initiative of the South Dakota Area Health Education Center Program Office, South Dakota HOSA-Future Health Professionals earned its National Charter on June 26, 2013. In 2021-22, South Dakota HOSA boasted a membership of over 1000 in 40+ state-wide chapters.

The mission of South Dakota HOSA is tri-fold:

  1. We aim for students to ENVISION themselves as future health professionals in South Dakota.
  2. We aim to ENERGIZE students.
  3. We aim to ENGAGE students in their academic journey.

Students from all over South Dakota are able join the SD HOSA family. Ninety-seven percent of the counties in South Dakota are considered rural. Students in these communities are "parched" in regard to knowledge and experiences regarding health care and we aim to "quench their thirst."

In order to become a "virtual" HOSA member, you must...

  • Have an interest in the health sciences
  • Enroll in a health science course of study (Health Careers, Medical Terminology)
  • Contact the SD HOSA State Advisor
  • Complete the virtual/at-large membership application
  • Pay $20 annual membership dues


  • Network with hundreds of peers across the state aiming to become future health care professionals in South Dakota
  • Engage in competitions making your career ready
  • Investigate the plethora of careers available to you in health care
  • Earn HOSA only scholarships