The strength of these events is the focus on disaster and emergency readiness. HOSA students build a solid foundation for obtaining EMT Certification. HOSA students are also engaged by being educated on what to do in an emergency whether it be tornado, fire, flood, etc. Career awareness in public health and epidemiology are also important facets of this category. So many students fail to realize all the opportunities public health has to offer.
CPR/First Aid
*denotes $500 travel scholarship to ILC for each competitor by SANFORD HEALTH
- Skill Event
- 2 team members
- Round 1 Test
- Round 2 Skill Procedure
- Skill Procedures involve: severe bleeding and shock, choking, compound fracture and splinting, severe burns, heat-related emergency. BLS procedures involve CPR and using an AED on infant and adult.
Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
*denotes $500 travel scholarship to ILC for each competitor by AVERA HEALTH
- Skill Event
- 2 team members
- Round 1 Test
- Round 2 Skill Procedure
- Procedures involve patient assessment (trauma and medical), BVM ventilation, Immobilization/splinting, bleeding control/shock management, oxygen administration by non-rebreather mask, and cardiac arrest management (AED use)
- 50 item test on epidemiology topics and vocabulary
*Life Support Skills
- *IEP students only
- Skill event
- Individual event
- Skill Procedure
- Skills involve adult BLS/CPR, adult BLS with AED, infant BLS/CPR, severe bleeding, choking, open fracture and splinting, heat-related emergenc, and severe burn
Mental Health Promotion
- Project/Presentation Event
- Must complete a short online "Be There" course
- 2-6 team members
- Teams will create a social media campaign around mental health
Public Health
- Presentation Event
- 2-6 team members
- 2024-25 Event Topic: Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation: Social DIsconnection - A Public Concern