One of the greatest experiences South Dakota State Officers have experienced is their time spend at WLA in Washington DC.
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Every year, HOSA-Future Health Professionals' hosts a capstone leadership experience for HOSA officers and members providing unique experiences through experiential learning, real world applicability and networking.
Here are the main objectives
- To recognize the importance in being a person of influence and the characteristics and behaviors of what makes a positive influential leader.
- To examine and understand how increasing an individual's ability to lead and positively influence others correlates with a highly functioning HOSA officer team and HOSA chartered association.
- To explore ten specific qualities, characteristics, and behaviors leaders need in order to become an effective positive influencer for their team and HOSA members.
- To identify and generate specific techniques and action steps participants can use to improve and increase their level of positive influence to create and inspire action within their own HOSA chartered association, and among members and affiliates.
Visit with your State Advisor for more details.