Collaboration is one of the most important keys to becoming a successful future health professional. The strength of these events lie in building synergy with your team as members must learn to communicate effectively, plan strategy, assign roles and solve problems.
Below are the event synopses for the Teamwork Events. Clicking on the link will direct you to the rules and guidelines for the event.
Biomedical Debate
- 3-4 team members
- Round 1 Test
- Round 2 Debate
- 2024-25 Event Topic: The government should regulate social media use for people age 17 and under.
Community Awareness
- Project and Presentation Event
- 2-6 team members
- Health related issue of local, state or national interest
- Upload of materials prior to State Conference may be required
- Documentation via portfolio
Creative Problem Solving
- Presentation Event
- Round 1 Test
- 2-6 team members
- 25-minute analysis of an issue
- 8-minutes presentation of a solution
Forensic Science
- Round 1 Test
- Round 2 Crime Scence Analysis
- 2 team members
- 6-minute case study/autopsy/crime scene
- 25-minute analysis of evidence and conclusion
Health Career Display
- Project and Presentation Event
- 2 team members
- Round 1-Upload pictures of display prior to State Conference
- Round 2 Display and interview
- 3-minute interview
Health Care Team Event
- Skill Event
- SD HOSA event only...no ILC event
- 5 team members required
- Round 1 Test
- Round 2 Simulation Experience
- 5 team members
Health Education
- Project and Presentation Event
- 2-6 team members
- Prepare a lesson for a group of learners
- Upload of portfolio prior to State Conference may be required
- Present to judges
- Round 1 Test
- Round 2 Debate
- 3-4 team members
- Quiz Bowl topics: HOSA history, anatomy, physiology, health care etc.
Medical Innovation
- Project and Presentation Event
- 2-4 team members
- Create a visual display
- 5-minute presentation/interview
Public Service Announcement
- Project and Presentation Event
- 2-6 team members
- Create a 30-second PSA on an assigned health topic
- Upload of PSA required
- 2024-25 Event Topic: Brain Health - Now is the Time to Start