When were you in HOSA?

I was in HOSA in my junior and senior year of high school, 2018-2020.

What chapter?

O'Gorman High School HOSA Chapter

Where do you go to college?

University of South Dakota

What was your major?

Medical Biology with a minor in Neuroscience

What advice would you give HS students in HOSA today?

Don't be afraid to take chances and apply for programs, scholarships, jobs, positions in your chapter, etc. that you think might be out of reach for you. I applied to be in a special scholarship program here at USD, giving me early conditional acceptance to medical school as a senior in high school from South Dakota. I never thought I would receive the award, but I did and it changed my life. I wouldn't have applied for it had it not been my HOSA advisor, Mrs. Odenbach, who helped me by writing a letter of recommendation and encouraging me to apply for it. The worst thing that an internship, program, etc. can tell you is no, and you will be able to learn from that application and interview and do better the next place you apply.

How did HOSA help you get to where you are today?

HOSA widened my horizons and let me explore what the healthcare field looks like not only in South Dakota, but nationally. I got the chance to be able to go to HOSA Nationals, and I was able to meet people from all over the country that had similar interests to me. Some of the people I met there even go to school with me here at USD today! It has truly allowed me to be confident in my path as a future physician.