HOSA students are able to hone their skills, gaining confidence in the process, as they work through the events in the Health Professions category. Students get a better understanding of the intricacies involved in being a healthcare professional. It is HOSA's hope that this will allow students to make a well-informed decision regarding a healthcare career path.
Below are the event synopses for the Health Professions Events. Clicking on the link will direct you to the rules and guidelines for the event.
*denotes $500 travel scholarship to ILC sponsored by SANFORD HEALTH
- Skill Event
- Round 1 Test
- Round 2 Skill Procedure
- Skills involve: Prepare ingredients for 1x agarose gel in TAE, pour agarose gel, set up and load agarose gel, set up PCR reaction, gel interpretation, centrifugation, Bradford assay, bacterial transformation, and aseptic technique to transfer bacteria .
Clinical (Medical) Lab Science
*denotes $500 travel scholarship to ILC sponsored by AVERA HEALTH
- Skill Event
- Round 1 Test
- Round 2 Skill Procedure
- Skills involve: ID lab equipment, infection control-transmission based precautions, inoculating-streaking an agar plate, using a microscope, ABO blood grouping, gram staining, and preparing a lab solution.
Clinical Nursing
*denotes $500 travel scholarship to ILC sponsored by AVERA HEALTH
- Skill Event
- Round 1 Test
- Round 2 Skill Procedure
- Skills involve medication intramuscular, medication subcutaneous, inserting nasogastric tube, sterile wound irrigation, urethral catheterization, postmortem care of the body, and patient preoperative exercises.
Clinical Specialty
*denotes $500 travel scholarship to ILC sponsored by AVERA HEALTH
- Presentation and Skill Event
- Development of a Career Portfolio for ANY Health Related Career
- Upload of portfolio may be required
- Presentation to Judges
- Procedure Demonstration
Dental Science
- Skill Event
- Round 1 Test
- Round 2 Skill Procedure
- Skills involve: assembly and disassembly of local anesthetic syringe, seating/preparing/dismissing patient for basic dental exam, brushing-flossing, treatment room disinfecting and cleaning, preparing an alginate impression, and ID dental instruments.
Family Medicine Physician
*denotes $500 travel scholarship to ILC sponsored by SANFORD HEALTH
- Presentation/Project Event
- Development of a Career Portfolio in Family Medicine
- Interviews
- Peer-to-Peer Presentation
- Upload of portfolio prior to State Conference may be required
- Presentation to Judges
Home Health Aide
- Skill Event
- Round 1 Test
- Round 2 Skill Procedure
- Skills involve: taking an adult tympanic temperature, taking an apical pulse, emptying a urinary drainage unit, changing a dry dressing-nonsterile technique, giving a back rub, caring for dentures, moving a client using a draw-sheet, and applying elasticized stockings.
Medical Assisting
- Skill Event
- Round 1 Test
- Round 2 Skill Procedure
- Skills involve: telephone screening, recording patient health history, creating an electronic chart, screen for visual acuity, assist with routine physical exam, measure height/weight, urine testing, donning sterile gloves.
Nursing Assisting
*denotes $500 travel scholarship to ILC sponsored by SANFORD HEALTH
- Skill Event
- Round 1 Test
- Round 2 Skill Procedure
- Skills involve: hand-washing, making an occupied and closed bed, positioning a patient with a disability in bed, transferring a patient from bed to wheelchair, measure and record vitals, admitting a patient, and caring for an ostomy.
Occupational Therapy (OT)
- New event for 2024-25
- Round 1 Test only
*Patient Care Tech
- Skill Event
- Skills involve: handwashing, donningfull set of PPE, making an occupied and closed bed, positioning a patient with a disability in bed, transferring a patient from bed to wheelchair, measure and record vitals, admitting a patient, and caring for an ostomy.
*Personal Care (IEP Event)
- Skill Event
- Skills involve: handwashing, donningfull set of PPE, making an occupied and closed bed, positioning a patient with a disability in bed, transferring a patient from bed to wheelchair, measure and record vitals, admitting a patient, and caring for an ostomy.
Pharmacy Science
*denotes $500 travel scholarship to ILC sponsored by AVERA HEALTH
- Skill Event
- Round 1 Test
- Round 2 Skill Procedure
- Skills involve: , verifying controlled substance prescription content/DEA number, withdrawing liquid from a vial, compounding an oral suspension, patient screening for a pharmacy consult.
*denotes $500 travel scholarship to ILC sponsored by AVERA HEALTH
- Skill Event
- Round 1 Test
- Round 2 Skill Procedure
- Skills involve: tourniquet application, routine ETS venipuncture, steps to follow if a patient starts to faint during venipuncture, heel puncture, removing contaminated gloves, accidental arterial stick
Physical Therapy
*denotes $500 travel scholarship to ILC sponsored by AVERA HEALTH
- Skill Event
- Round 1 Test
- Round 2 Skill Procedure
- Skills involve: ambulating with a gait belt, walker, cane and crutches, range of motion, transfer from supine to sitting position, donning and removing PPE, and ice pack application.
Respiratory Therapy
*denotes $500 travel scholarship to ILC sponsored by AVERA HEALTH
- Skill Event
- Round 1 Test
- Round 2 Skill Procedure
- Skills involve: Basic airway management, administering oxygen via nasal cannula, pulse oximetry, hand-held nebulizer
Sports Medicine
*denotes $500 travel scholarship to ILC sponsored by SANFORD HEALTH
- Skill Event
- Round 1 Test
- Round 2 Skill Procedure
- Skills involve: anatomical landmark ID, joint action and assessing ROM, strength of shoulder and ankle, taping (ankle, arch, elbow, thumb).
Veterinary Science
- Skill Event
- Round 1 Test
- Round 2 Skill Procedure
- Skills involve: preparing the operative site, lifting and restraining a dog, ID equipment, simple fecal floatation, ID of parasites, ID of animal breeds/species, wrapping a surgical pack, and preparing a feline to obtain a temperature.