Connor Hickman
When were you in HOSA?
I was in HOSA 2014-2015.
What chapter?
Although I attended Tri-Valley high school, I also attended the CTE academy which is the HOSA chapter I was part of.
What state officer position were you?
I was the state president.
Where do you go to college?
I am currently a senior at South Dakota State University
What is your major?
I am a Community and Public Health major.
What advice would you give HS students in HOSA today?
My two biggest pieces of advice are to take absolutely every opportunity you can get, especially through HOSA. HOSA can open so many doors for people, even if it's not directly related to healthcare. Secondly, network with other students as much as you can. Start building your professional network, and make some awesome friends!
How did HOSA help you get to where you are today?
HOSA is a huge reason why I am on the track I am today. My experiences as state president were instrumental in helping me decide to go toward healthcare administration. HOSA also allowed me travel to Washington D.C, Orlando, and Rapid City and meet some truly amazing at every place.
Future plans?
After I finish my senior year at SDSU I plan on pursing a masters in Health Services Administration, possibly a law degree as w