What do we do at meetings? One of the best ways to engage as a member is to attend your local HOSA meetings and set a strong program of work. Meeting with your peers helps with idea sharing, collaboration and improves the successes of your local members.
Competitive Event Practice
The great Vince Lombardi once said, "Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect." Provide opportunities for your students to practice their events. Obviously, the more time they put into practicing their competitive events, the more likely are to succeed. They should take ownership of their event by due diligence and preparing the right way.
Health Professionals and Practice
Share with health professionals the HOSA rubrics for events specific for that professional's career. They will be on board with helping students master the procedures correlating to that event. Most chapters will find that some students in your HOSA chapter have a parent that works in health care. That is a great place to start!
Health Professionals Visit
Invite local health professionals to speak to your chapter. Allow them to share their story and advice with the chapter. The health professionals will be willing to answer questions your students may have regarding their academic journey and career path.
College/University Programs Visit
Health Science programs at two and four-year universities would love to come visit your chapters. The University of South Dakota has three dates set: November 14, 2022, February 14, 2023, and April 11, 2023.
Avera: All Access
Avera: All Access gives HOSA chapters an inside look at Avera Health. Chapters are able to spend time in Avera facilities including settings like the hospital, genetics, athletic training and more. Sometimes students are unaware of the environment health professionals work in. If time and travel allow, the partnership of South Dakota HOSA and Avera Health will benefit your chapter.
Sanford: Sights and Sounds
Sanford: Sights and Sounds gives HOSA chapters an opportunity to experience Sanford Health that only professionals get to experience. Sixty student max. Attendees will work in a simulation setting, engage in an Anatomage table, and visit different departments at Sanford Health. Dates are as follows: Nov. 17, 2022, Dec. 2, 2022, Jan. 17, 2022, Feb. 23, 2023, and May 4, 2023.
The SD Office of Rural Health in collaboration with Yankton Rural AHEC and Northeast AHEC offer seventeen, one-day, camps that focus on health careers. Students get an opportunity to hear from health professionals as well as participate in hands-on activities. Camps are offered all over South Dakota.
USD Health Science/Human Cadaver Tour
The University of South Dakota's School of Health Science is willing to offer tours and information regarding all of the pre-professional health related majors USD offers. There is also an opportunity, if the schedule allows, touring the cadaver lab where medical, PA, and PT students collaborate during their gross anatomy courses.
SDSU Cadaver and Campus Tour
The South Dakota State University Department of Biology and Microbiology provides education and presentations on various anatomical systems/structures utilizing cadavers and associated materials in their human anatomy lab. Students will also get an opportunity to tour campus and discuss all the pre-professional health related majors SDSU offers.
Health Systems Visits
Health systems realize just how important pipeline activities are to their organizations. Allowing health systems to come and visit with your chapters is a great way for them to share shadowing, internships, and other information the HOSA students can get involved with.